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Internship: Proyecto Amistad - 2021F (SPAN-491-001)
Internship: Proyecto Amistad
CLEAR Graduate Examinations: TOR Format Samples
The TOR (Tool of Research) Language Exam, is a required examination set up by graduate programs and administered by CLEAR to evaluate your reading ability to perform primary research in a language other than English.
Korean Elementary II - 2022S (KOR-103-001)
Instructional Method: Hybrid.
Korean Elementary II - 2022S (KOR-103-002)
Instructional Method: Hybrid.
Korean Intermediate II - 2022S (KOR-203-001)
Instructional Method: Hybrid.
Spanish, Elementary I - 2022S (SPAN-152-002)
Instructional Method: Hybrid.
Spanish, Elementary I - 2022S (SPAN-152-001)
Instructional Method: Hybrid.
Impunidad Y Justicia Internaci - 2022XLW (LAW-870-002)
Impunidad Y Justicia Internaci