Sample Essays from Winning Proposals
The format and length of the sample essays below varies; some are longer than the length currently allowed: Always follow the most current guidelines within the Fulbright online application. For study/research applicants, the Statement of Grant Purpose may not exceed two pages.
- Sociology: Structural Factors of Gender Disparity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement Download Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement – BA Level applicant
- Communications: Finding the Thread: Highlighting the World's Smallest Serpent – Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement Download Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement - MA Level applicant
- Faith, Race, and Justice: A Comparative Study of Three Religions in Brazil - Proposal & Personal Statement - PhD level applicant
- Black Homeschoolers in North America - Proposal - Personal Statement - PhD level applicant
- Island Paradox: The Impact of Prince Edward Island’s Electoral Redistribution - Proposal - Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Domestic Violence Resources in La Florida-Santiago - Proposal - Personal Statement - BA level applicant
(This example has been annotated to illustrate the anatomy of a proposal.)
- Confronting Socialized Gender Norms in Chinese Sex Education - Proposal - Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Examining Public Participation in Sustainable Fisheries Management in Qingdao - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Development Studies: Mechanisms of Youth Engagement in Ethiopian Education Policy – Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement
Download Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement – PhD Level applicant
- Digital Media Workshops with Ethiopian Youth and Young Educators - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
European Union
- Political Science: Mapping EU Member State Approaches to Foreign Fighter Returnees – Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement Download Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement – MA Level applicant
- Conflict Resolution Methods in Georgia - Proposal - Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Public Gardens Private Spaces - Proposal - Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Balancing Garifuna Grassroots Development and Cultural Preservation - Proposal & Personal Statement - PhD level applicant
- Social Capital and Fisheries Governance in Karnataka - Proposal and Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Mangrove Forests in Indonesia: Assessing Deforestation Rates and Conservation Hotspots - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Blue Carbon: The Impacts of Mangrove Restoration on Seagrass Carbon Storage - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Chemical Synthesis of Penicillin Derivatives - Proposal - Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Jordan’s Balancing Act: Refugee Water Demands and the Country’s Water Supply - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- The Rise of Mixed Hadhar-Badu Parliamentary Blocs in Kuwait - Proposal - Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Mexico, Business: Marketing – Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement Download Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement – MA Level applicant - Bi-national Internship
- Politics at Home Abroad: Mexican Migrants and Their Home Towns - Proposal - PhD level applicant
- The Scope and Causes of Excessive Juvenile Pretrial Detention - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Migrant Youth Navigating the City - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Eliminating Mexico's Financial Lending Gap for Small and Medium Enterprises - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant - Bi-national Internship
- Migration and Borders as Creative Nonfiction - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
New Zealand
- Symbioses in a Changing World: Nitrogen Pollution and Bleaching in Sea Anemones - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- Networking for Knowledge: Mapping Learning Networks for New Zealand's Rural Principals - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Microfinance in the Mercados: Critical Bottlenecks Affecting a Key Poverty Alleviation Tool in Urban Nicaragua, and How to Overcome Them - Proposal & Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Reconstructing Urban Identity in Postcolonial Panama - Proposal - Personal Statement - PhD level applicant
- A Human Rights Perspective: Regulating Water Privatization in Peru - Proposal - Personal Statement - MA level applicant
- Distance Learning to Enhance Teachers' Professional Development in Rural Romania - Proposal - Personal Statement - PhD level applicant
- Preservation of the Chuvash Language - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant
- The Far Eastern Experience of the Russian Civil War and Foreign Intervention - Proposal - PhD level applicant
- Urban Renewal in Istanbul's Varos: How Do Residents Financially Experience Policy? - Proposal & Personal Statement - BA level applicant